What Do Offices Of The Future Look Like?

Happenings at BDD

Whilst the pandemic is behind us, it has completely transformed the way businesses design their offices, and professionals interact with spaces. With the 9 to 5 schedule, every day of the week, becoming less popular, we have put together a few trends, when it comes to what offices of the future will look like.

The seven key office trends we can expect to see

Offices are here to stay, but not in the traditional sense

Hybrid working models have been adopted by companies in Lebanon and all over the world. Working from the office is here to stay, given that it provides structure, fosters the spirit of collaboration between teams and allows for better concentration and work / life balance. Team members will want to continue to have the option of hybrid work models, with more flexible structures.

More productive, personalized and creative workplaces are in demand

Inflexible workplaces will soon become obsolete, and more high tech, creative and comfortable offices will be on the rise. We will see more creative, inspiring and digitized spaces. In addition, sustainable practices will be woven into daily life, with eco-conscious design elements, to reduce their carbon footprint. Team members will also need more than just a desk, including spaces to concentrate or relax in, on busy workdays. We will also see more personalized workspaces, a key aspect of future offices such as those at BDD, where employees will be able to customize their workstations, such as lighting, temperature and surroundings, to suit their productivity needs.

Employees and their needs will be central

Employee wellbeing will be central to the design of offices of the future. Take for example more natural light entering office spaces, as well as ample green spaces to work and unwind in. Ergonomic furniture, coupled with amenities, such as wellness and fitness programs, onsite dining areas and game rooms will also be key features.

Technology will be integrated in every facet

As technology advances, so will its integration in offices in the near future. Take for example the introduction of smart meeting rooms, the integration of virtual collaboration tools, as well as AI-driven solutions, to streamline workflow. Moreover, sensor technologies and data analytics will be used to gather insights on space utilization and optimization, to enhance layouts and resources accordingly.

Take a look at the features that make BDD a great place to work, live and play

More interactivity and team building efforts

Working from home has both its rewards and limitations. Other than the fact that it can get lonely, team spirit and collaborations can suffer, the sense of belonging can dwindle, and great ideas are less likely to surface when working solo. Working from the office can offer crucial benefits, even if it is only a few days a week. We will see companies integrate more creative events and team building activities that foster trust, networking and lead to innovative ideas.

Augmented opportunities for professional and personal development

When working remotely, team members are less likely to have access to crucial personal and professional development opportunities. Workspaces also allow for employees to learn from one another, and bounce ideas face to face. Offices of the future will have more in-person trainings, as well as access to resources for team members to grow their skillsets.

Less costs for both employees and companies

As hybrid-working models have proven to work, this has raised many questions for companies who managed and maintained large offices, and employees who either live close to the office or commute daily. As more flexible work structures will be adopted, we will see companies move to smaller and more flexible spaces and to digitized communities, that offer state-of-the-art technology and connectivity, and handle all the administrative details. Employees will also be able to save on costs, with less commuting, and opting to live further away from the workplace.

So what does the office of the future look like for you?